Blade cut protection, puncture protection, abrasion protection, tear protection? What protection is best for you?
If you need any protection at all you need to decide which type suits you and is most appropriate for the threat that you may be facing? The idea of this blog is to present you with a range of options that may best suit your needs. We are able to offer a range of anti-slash protective options which also incorporate anti-tear clothing, anti-abrasion clothing and anti-puncture clothing. Over the years we have learnt from experience how effective anti-slash protection can be and we have therefore developed a comprehensive range to suit most circumstances and the most common scenarios where our products may be of value.
The first thing to be aware of is that there is a huge difference between anti-slash and stab-proof. We do also offer stab-proof vests but they are much heavier and more cumbersome, however they are designed to protect against a stab (i.e. a thrust with a knife) whereas many of our other products are anti-cut, or anti-slash which, as the name implies, are designed to protect against a vertical or horizontal slashing move.
All of our cut resistant clothing is lined with either Kevlar or Dyneema. The advantage of offering slash-resistant clothing is that while it offers protection (To the levels stated) it is much thinner and less cumbersome and in fact it just looks like ordinary clothing. It is relatively light, thin and very comfortable to wear. Although designed predominantly to provide cut-resistance the clothing does also offer a level of anti-tear, anti-abrasion and anti-puncture resistance. These other protective elements may come in to play for example, for someone who rides a motorbike and may be at risk of falling at high speed and skidding across the road. For such situations you may choose to go for the anti-slash Zip up Sweater that offers Level 2 abrasion protection and Rhino heavy duty gloves that offer up to level 4 abrasion protections. It may even be beneficial to look for something that also includes puncture protection.
Puncture-proof protection can be used in situations where you may have to search someone or enter unknown territory where you may be at risk of getting punctured by a needle or a sharp object. Puncture-proof gloves are of great value to operatives who have to clear up rubbish in trains and stadiums using their hands, where there is a possibility of a blade or a syringe being discarded and not visible. We have recently developed a new range of puncture resistant gloves, the Valour, that offers puncture protection which is particularly important for our clients who work in the policing and security sector. The Valour glove is lined with Dyneema offering Level 4 blade cut resistance throughout the palms and fingers, whilst the finger tips are lined with puncture and tear resistant Dupont™ Kevlar® patches.

Tear-resistance, like puncture-resistance can be an important issue for our clients. Many professionals from animal welfare, mental health care and security professionals wear tear-resistant clothing to protect them from sharp objects that may have the potential to rip the gloves and penetrate through to your skin.
Our range of anti-cut clothing includes wrist protection which is used by a number of companies in the glass industry, balaclavas, anti-slash neck protection and Kevlar-lined scarves, Dyneema-lined scarves. We also offer the Windjammer jacket, a smart outdoor weather-proof jacket that can provide you with cut-resistance and tear resistance.
In conclusion it is best to consider what it is you need protection from before choosing what anti-slash clothing suits you best. You can always call us or email us if you need any advice as to which anti-slash clothing protection may be suitable for you.