Newspapers are today reporting that Counter-terrorism officials want security guards across the UK to assist in the fight against terrorism.
Clearly someone high up has suddenly realised that there is a vast, untapped, resource that can make a huge difference, not only in the reporting of suspicious activity but, where appropriate, to perhaps counter any attack.
This is clearly a brilliant idea because an analysis of the most vulnerable places shows that shopping arcades, entertainment venues and tourist attractions are particularly at risk. These are the places where there are most likely to be security personnel on duty and all places where you are more likely to see a security guard than a policeman.
We understand that some security guards have already had terrorist awareness training and this voluntary initiative to be called "Project Griffin" is likely to be rolled out on a much larger scale in the future.
Bearing in mind that most of the recent terrorist attacks in the UK have involved knives it is evident that anti-slash clothing whilst not being anti-stab do offer a level of anti-cut protection that can be of great benefit to the wearer.
Anti-slash gloves will be of particular benefit in a potential knife attack and could allow a security officers to grab a knife in order to protect both himself and the public.