This year the statistics for knife crime are reaching horrendous, but not quite epidemic, proportions. As reported in last week's The Sunday Times* 16 people have been killed in knife attacks in London alone so far this year and we are not yet into March.
One of the results of the 1996 Dunblane shooting, when 16 children and 1 teacher were murdered, was the tightening of procedures for getting a Firearms certificate or a shotgun license. Shootings in the UK (And Europe) are now relatively rare. Not so the USA where it is so easy to get your hands on a firearm. The bad news is that you don’t need any license to buy a knife and, even if you did, how simple is it to go into any cooking shop and buy a carving knife, or something just as lethal.
Anti-stab vests are still too thick and uncomfortable to wear but here at Bladerunner we will have a solution to that problem soon. We are constantly looking to develop new and unique protective clothing and we are working on a very covert anti-stab equipment which will be totally discreet and will save lives.
The article in The Times also pointed out that around a third of knife related deaths so far this year in London were teenagers and 1 in 5 perpetrators of knife crime are under the age of 18. In an attempt to address the issue of knife attacks and protect young people on the street, we have created a range of anti-slash streetwear that is both stylish and safe, providing a level of protection and peace of mind. We know that our anti-slash clothing is not the whole answer but despite this it does save lives.
Anti-cut gloves, which are comfortable and great looking will also give a potential victim the opportunity to grab a knife being used in an attack by the blade without causing serious damage to the hands. Cut resistant gloves themselves can be a life saver in a potentially life threatening situation.
And so it goes on the number attacks continues to increase. More parents, brothers and sisters in mourning. A solution does not seem to be near. Perhaps the only option is to ensure that when our teenage children go out they have some measure of protection to help keep them safe.