"They say your whole life flashes before your eyes when you die. And it's true, even for a blind man" - Daredevil
Daredevil follows Matt Murdock, attorney by day and vigilante by night. Blinded by an accident in his childhood who uses his heightened senses to fight crime on the streets of New York. His efforts are turned down by a powerful and rich business man Wilson Fisk – aka Kingpin – who has a walk in wardrobe that most men would love! Fisk also has a secret about his suits that he doesn't want to share with anyone being the secretive man that he is...
‘’I’m just a man with a dream” – Wilson Fisk
In episode 4, Fisk’s dinner date with Vanessa is interrupted rudely when Ranskahov walks in asking to speak to him urgently. Furious at him for disturbing his dinner date he decides to kill Ranskahov, however, during the fight Ranskahov pulls out a pocket knife and tries to slash Fisk across his chest. This is when we discover that Fisk is wearing a protective suit that can withstand slash cuts! The blade just simply cuts through the first layer of his suit revealing what looks like Kevlar covered with mesh. So who is the genius behind this suit?
"I've waited years for this - and nothing can stop me now!" - Melvin Potter
Melvin Potter, he is a talented designer, black smith and armourer that is recruited by Wilson Fisk to design and build armour protected suits for him. He is found by Daredevil who persuades highly skilled Potter to design him a suit with light armour that protects him without interfering with his mobility and speed.
Just like the products we have at Bladerunner, for many years we have been working alongside our manufacturers to design something that is comfortable, protective and not obvious. The advantage of anti-slash clothing is that it is very covert and looks just like ordinary clothing as well as potentially protecting your life! When considering this type of protection please note the difference between anti-slash and anti-stab.