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Security News from Bladerunner

  • Ukraine - The Press - Protection

    Life can be so strange. For many years we at have been supplying the press with bullet-proof vests.

    Just when it seemed that everything was settling down and we had peace on most of Planet Earth up pop the Russians to start looking like they could be invading Ukraine.

    A rapid gearing up of stocks is required by many news companies who have been caught out at a time when freight costs are making it so expensive to ship goods around the world.

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  • New Protective Glove Endorsed by Essex Police

    With almost daily reports of new assaults where knives are involved, not only in the UK but all over Europe, we are finding increased demand for our range of protective clothing, including anti-slash gloves, slash-resistant hoodies and particularly our new stab-resistant Ultra-thin panels.

    At Bladerunner, we are constantly researching and developing new products to provide slash and stab protection. The latest of which has been extremely well received by the public and police force alike. Continue reading

  • Reasons Why Protective Clothing in the Security Industry is Vital

    As a security professional you are required to be extremely versatile within your field. Whether you’re protecting business buildings, political figures, music festivals or night clubs, there may be potential dangers encompassed within all of these sectors. The security industry obviously expects their employed guard to protect other people, but they also need to prevent unnecessary harm to themselves too. There are many associated threats with this profession, so it’s important that protective clothing is worn at all times. This armour can be extremely discreet, but it will certainly be effective when threatened with a knife or sharp weapon. Whilst defending the victim, the guard can always feel confident that they won’t be harmed in the process of warning off the attacker. Continue reading

  • Stay Safe & Warm this Winter with Bladerunner Anti-Slash Clothing

    Now that Winter is here all those security personnel standing outside clubs, pubs and venues being attended by VIP’s will be standing there in sometimes freezing conditions. Not only do they need to stay warm but, at the same time they need to stay safe whilst still being comfortable.

    Our range of anti-slash clothing is designed to serve all three purposes, safety, warmth and comfort.

    Whilst we also provide anti-stab vests and even bullet-proof vests we find that most of our customers actually prefer the practicality of our anti-slash clothing. It may be something of a compromise but spending hours on the door in freezing conditions is no joke and warmth and comfort figure very highly in their considerations. Of course if you do want to go for a full anti-stab vest or bullet-proof vest we are more than happy to supply. Continue reading

  • Security guards across the UK to assist in the fight against terrorism

    Newspapers are today reporting that Counter-terrorism officials want security guards across the UK to assist in the fight against terrorism.

    Clearly someone high up has suddenly realised that there is a vast, untapped, resource that can make a huge difference, not only in the reporting of suspicious activity but, where appropriate, to perhaps counter any attack.

    This is clearly a brilliant idea because an analysis of the most vulnerable places shows that shopping arcades, entertainment venues and tourist attractions are particularly at risk. These are the places where there are most likely to be security personnel on duty and all places where you are more likely to see a security guard than a policeman.

    We understand that some security guards have already had terrorist awareness training and this voluntary initiative to be called "Project Griffin" is likely to be rolled out on a much larger scale in the future.

    Bearing in mind that most of the recent terrorist attacks in the UK have involved knives it is evident that anti-slash clothing whilst not being anti-stab do offer a level of anti-cut protection that can be of great benefit to the wearer.

    Anti-slash gloves will be of particular benefit in a potential knife attack and could allow a security officers to grab a knife in order to protect both himself and the public.

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