For years now cyclists, workers on roads and railway tracks and police have been wearing reflective high visibility clothing which makes them more visible at night, when they are at their most vulnerable.
This clothing is great but really only works best when other road users have their lights switched on as it relies light to be shone on it before it reflects that light back at the source of light.
Recent advances in small, energy efficient LED technology means that there is now a much more effective way for vulnerable road users and pedestrians to be seen at night. Bladerunner now offer a high visibility vest that is not only reflective but also has its own built-in powered LED light source that actually lights up, emitting its own light and giving a much improvedrange of visibility.
With a Bladerunner high visibility powered LED vest it is virtually impossible not to be seen when out during the dark evenings.
Also, it is an established fact that wet weather reduces the visibility of normal high visibility clothing by up to 70%, but with the LED jacket simply switching on the lights can give visibility from up to 1000 metres.
Our new LED High visibility jacket is powered by 2x standard AA batteries. The wearer has the option of selecting any one of three modes, slow flash, quick flash or static. Battery life is approximately 20 hours.
Weighing only 255 gms the jacket has Velcro fastening at the front and there also adjustable sides that allow it to fit anyone sized small through to 2XL.
The jacket is manufactured using polyester knitted fabric and is fitted with EN471 standard reflective tape. So not only do you have the advantage of being seen via the reflective tape but with LED lights switched on it is almost impossible not to be seen.
Bladerunner are pleased to be able to offer this fantastic high visibility vest for only £16.00 which offers great value for such an effective improvement in safety.