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Your added layer of security against knives.

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Stay Safe & Warm this Winter with Bladerunner Anti-Slash Clothing

Now that Winter is here all those security personnel standing outside clubs, pubs and venues being attended by VIP’s will be standing there in sometimes freezing conditions. Not only do they need to stay warm but, at the same time they need to stay safe whilst still being comfortable.

Our range of anti-slash clothing is designed to serve all three purposes, safety, warmth and comfort.

Whilst we also provide anti-stab vests and even bullet-proof vests we find that most of our customers actually prefer the practicality of our anti-slash clothing. It may be something of a compromise but spending hours on the door in freezing conditions is no joke and warmth and comfort figure very highly in their considerations. Of course if you do want to go for a full anti-stab vest or bullet-proof vest we are more than happy to supply.

The practicality of a Kevlar lined scarf is beyond doubt. It keeps you incredibly warm and if you want to go one step further you can go for the Dyneema lined scarf which offers even greater anti-cut knife protection.

Anti Slash HoodiesFor extra warmth we find that many of our customers will wear one of our anti-slash hooded tops or Windjammer jackets under their coat. Fully lined with Kevlar they tend to give security personnel that little bit of extra comfort know that they are taking some steps to keep themselves safe.

Perhaps most important of all are the hands. In a potential knife attack it is so often the hands that take the worst of the damage. At Bladerunner we offer a range of anti-slash gloves that are not only comfortable and warm but also offer the security of knowing that if necessary you can ward off an attack and at the same time limit the damage to your hands.

We understand that anti-slash clothing does not offer the ultimate protection but what it does do is offer a measure of anti-cut protection built into everyday wearable clothing. That is what we aim to provide at Bladerunner.